Fisher Price Push Toy Roller Ornament

-10% Fisher Price Push Toy Roller Ornament
Hang the classic Fisher Price Push Toy toy on your holiday tree!  Do you remember the original Fisher Price pre-school musical roller toy? This mini toy is a perfect reproduction of the 1960's popular child's toy in colorful resin with glittery yellow wheels.  Collect all our our Fisher Price preschool toy Christmas ornaments!

Type: One Mini Toy Ornament - Red Hanging Ribbon Included - Does not roll.
Category: Resin Christmas Ornaments - For Decoration (Not for A Toy)
Size: 4.5" Tall (4.5 x 2 x 1 inches)
Package: None - “Fisher Price Holiday Classics - Department 56"

Aaron's Giggle Meter: 10 of 10

UPC: 045544747370 ASIN: B00SH60ZK4 Part: 4045024 Department 56 Fisher Price Push Toy Ornament  
For Ages Collectible
Material Plastic
Color Primary

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Tags: Fisher Price, Push Toy Roller, Toy, Ornament, Christmas, preschool, toddler

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